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The Power Within

Jessica Staples

Lately I have been thinking about the idea of truth and how it pertains to me as an individual. And beyond that, I began thinking about how often I was operating from truth versus a lie. Either a lie from within our a lie from without. Recently I had been in a rehearsal and heard our choreographer say over and over again “Step Kick-Kick-Bevel”. It was a simple step, only, I wasn’t picking up the choreo. I began to get more and more frustrated until finally I said to myself “Wow I’m literally a shitty dancer”. I stopped for a moment and asked myself “Okay Jess…now do I really believe that?”. I had to stop and think for a moment. I chewed on the thought for a few minutes and realized that these negative thoughts had been with me for quite some time. And it wasn’t just regarding me as a performer, but other things as well. It was amazing how a simple thought opened up a door for an opportunity to look deep within, and I did.

As human beings, we give our power away so easily to the negative thoughts, the inner noise and chatter. It becomes our friend. We compulsively think non-stop, and as an artist, that is absolute poison for us and what we do. I looked deeper into my inner world and saw that it wasn’t so much the negative thoughts, but it was what those thoughts were attached to: It was a belief system that was out of wack. Our core belief system is our foundation that we as people stand on and operate our life off of. Think of it as the nucleus of the mind and heart. Everything that stems from it, is simply a bypass. If the belief system is negative and isn’t in alignment with who we TRULY are, then our thoughts and feelings wont be either. And what do our thoughts and feelings affect? OUR ACTIONS.

I thought back to when I was a kid, and how I had a very very poor perception of myself and didn’t even know it. I wasn’t necessarily bullied in any way, I just never thought very highly of myself. And unfortunately, as I got older, it really began to affect me as an artist. You see, I firmly believe that our inner world is simply a reflection of the outer. And for a LONGGGG time, my inner world was crummy and because of that, my outer world was just the same. I subconsciously had a core belief from previous experiences that I wasn’t good enough when it came to specific things within the arts, and you know what? It affected the way I performed, and the way I presented myself. Instead of me seeing those experiences from my past for what they truly were (a lesson), I instead held onto those experiences and stuffed them into my little belief box. I behaved from an insecure place for so long because within myself I held onto a belief that who I was as “Jessica” wasn’t enough. WRONG.

This all ties back to the idea of truth and how its crucial for us as people to take a second look at our foundation of belief because if we truly want something but believe hardcore that we cant have it, then we are out of alignment my friend. I tell you we as people are so so powerful. That is a double edged sword. We can either use our power to free ourselves from falsehood and in turn help others. Or we can continue believing in lies we tell ourselves like “I’ll never get cast” “I’ll never find love” “I wish I was good enough”. I encourage you to stop and take 2 minutes out of your day to truly observe your thoughts and a door will open for you. And that door is a little scary at first….you’re gonna push past some gross feelings and thoughts, but underneath that is YOU. The power is always within. Push yourself to go and find it and turn the dial all the way up!

Please like, share, and comment if you found this post helpful and stayed tuned for my next post. Thanks so much everyone! Happy Fall!!


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It is my hope that through each post you read that something ignites within you to explore something within yourself or learn something new about those around you.


It is through one person deciding to shine their light that others will begin to look within themselves and discover their own and create a happier environment that they seek.


Discovery and enlightenment can happen in a split second, and I hope this website can become a community where we all can respectfully question, discover, shine, and evolve within. Thank you for your light and for your support.

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