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Jessica Staples, The Black Spiritual Teacher, Singer, Dancer, Actress, Twin Cities, MN, Performer, healing, tarot reading
Jessica Staples, The Black Spiritual Teacher, Singer, Dancer, Actress, Twin Cities, MN, Performer, healing, tarot reading
shine your light

AlL THINGS Spiritual!

The Black Spiritual Teacher is a video series/curriculum that is here to expand, evolve and heal humanity.  


As most of us know, the process of awakening to your truth can be daunting. Imagine a caterpillar that's now beginning to move into its cocoon. That process can be absolutely terrifying for someone that's very unaware. Let's do it together.

work together


Jessica Staples, The Black Spiritual Teacher, Singer, Dancer, Actress, Twin Cities, MN, Performer, healing, tarot reading
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Jessica Staples, The Black Spiritual Teacher, Singer, Dancer, Actress, Twin Cities, MN, Performer, healing, tarot reading
Tarot Readings 


Tarot readings provide intuitive insight into our lives regarding certain questions we may have. This is wonderful for career, relationship and personal advice on how to take the next steps in life. 


15, 30 & 60 MIN READINGS

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Akashic Readings


An Akashic Reading is a reading that opens up your Akashic Records, also known as “The Book of Life”. Your Akashic Record is the record of your soul, who you are in this current life as well as who you have been in past lifetimes. Imagine going to a vast library and being able to check out any book you want to gain information. That is essentially what your Akashic Records are. An infinite, source of wisdom and healing energy that is available to help answers your questions. No matter how big or small! 



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Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions on services, would like a custom service or anything else!


the power of vulnerability/ Openness


SERVICES, Jessica Staples, The Black Spiritual Teacher
VIDEOS, Jessica Staples, The Black Spiritual Teacher

the power of belief


introduction to masculine/

feminity energies


"we rise by lifting others"

Grab your  Freebie

Posted below are a few helpful guides and exercises, as well as a few of my own tips that might be of help to those of you just beginning your lightworker journey. A lot of these exercises are geared toward helping you create a more peaceful environment for yourself during this process. 

Jessica Staples, The Black Spiritual Teacher, Singer, Dancer, Actress, Twin Cities, MN, Performer, healing, tarot reading

This short exercise is for those of you that struggle with over-thinking, anxiety and an over attachment to the mind. This can be practiced any where and everywhere!

Jessica Staples, The Black Spiritual Teacher, Singer, Dancer, Actress, Twin Cities, MN, Performer, healing, tarot reading

Here is a short step by step guide on how to meditate. Meditation has the power to help you take a moment out of your day to de-stress, detox and heal. Press pause on your action oriented day for just 5-10 min a day and things will begin to change.

Jessica Staples, The Black Spiritual Teacher, Singer, Dancer, Actress, Twin Cities, MN, Performer, healing, tarot reading

As we move throughout the world, our energy can become extremely hypersensitive if we don't do what we can to take care of it. Here is a grounding exercise that is designed specifically for helping you bring your energy field back to a peaceful calm as well as shield yourself from absorbing negative energy. Do this first thing in the morning or in the afternoon and you will find that you're able to be more present.

FREEBIES, Jessica Staples, The Black Spiritual Teacher

stay in touch

Thanks Guys

Don't forget to follow-up on more of my journey as a lightworker on my blog, as well as subscribe to my Youtube Channel "TheBlackSpiritualTeacher", or my Instagram account @JessicaJStaples for more detailed lessons, and videos in regard to Mind, Body, and Soul evolution and healing. 

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My Akashic Reading was something I didn’t know I needed until I  heard it. And I needed it, badly. My experience was extremely eye-opening in terms of my spirituality and my own purpose on this earth. It gave me a sense of oneness and a greater sense of self-love. The feeling of release I had was so great it lasted a few days.
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