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6 Lessons!

Jessica Staples

Hi everyone!! It feels like its been a hundred years since my last post! But Alas, I have returned!! It has been a fantastic summer of so much beauty, growth, and self care. And because of all of this, I wanted to do something different with this post and talk about what I learned this summer that might be beneficial to someone, I don’t know! It was tough but I did narrow it down to 6 important lessons!

1) Take responsibility: As I said before, this summer has been a process of me learning “responsibility”. I think we as people underestimate the power we really have to create change in our lives if we really want it. It’s so easy to place blame on others for your unhappiness or your losses in life. I lived in that mindset up until a few months ago. No one can create change in your life but YOU. It is our job as individuals to take responsibility for our wins AND our losses. As well as our words, because they are extremely powerful, use them for good! It felt uncomfortable at first but now I feel so much better knowing I have control over my life through being responsible for it. There is never really a "loss" in this life. If anything, you've gained knowledge on what to do better going forward.

2) Grow THROUGH the mistake: This one was probably my most difficult lesson to learn. We all know that we make mistakes, and that’s fine. I would argue that the most important step in this lesson is acknowledgment of the mistake itself. I personally have a tendency to soak in my mistakes and continuously beat myself up and allow myself to sort of spiral out of control into self-sabotage. SIDENOTE: There is ALWAYS a way to fix things for the better. Instead of avoiding the acknowledgment or soaking in the wrong-doing, choose to grow through the mistake and take what you learned and move forward.

3) Words are the magician: This is THE most important lesson I have learned this summer and DAMN is it amazing to conquer this beast of words. For most of my life I had heard the phrase “words are powerful” and I didn’t think much of it until I was hit with many experiences over the last few months that showed me how either my words or someone else’s around me, were able to have that power. I don’t care what color, sexuality, gender-identity, religion, etc. Your words create your world. Every moment we are either empowering or disempowering ourselves and our loved ones with our words. Use them for good! Especially when it comes to ourselves. I unfortunately spent a lot of my time being careless with my words in the past, and because of that, I created a lot of toxicity around me and WITHIN me. The two are inter-changeable. What you think and feel on the inside will somehow be reflected in your outer world.

4) Do what works for YOU: Ah, my favorite one. As people we always feel inclined to give one another advice, and that’s awesome! But, don’t feel the need to take that advice if you feel it doesn’t work for you. I’ve gotten to a place in my life where I am unashamed in doing what’s best for me because at the end of the day, I have to be the one who lives with that decision. Do what works for your well-being and it’s okay to set those boundaries. You’ll be thankful that you did later.

5) Leave the past in the past: We as human beings tend to attach ourselves to our past pain. We make that our story. WRONG! There is so much more to us than what is already behind us. We all can safely say that we have gone through something painful in the past, let it go. When we hold onto what hurts, we continuously create the same experiences that don’t make us feel good. There is so much more to our beautiful lives and ourselves than attaching to what has already happened. Be present!

6) “I am a work in progress”: I suffer from perfectionism. I realized when I expected perfection from myself I expected it from others as well….needless to say I was let down HA! Unfortunately up until 3 months ago, I never once stopped to think of loving myself, or to take care of myself. I never really knew what that meant to be quite honest. Self love comes from accepting the parts of yourself that you love, and the parts that maybe…you don’t love so much? Yet I knew it was crucial for me to get to a place where I could love ALL of me. I had to take a step back and find my own light. No one can do it for you. Every day I say to myself “I am a work in progress and I love every inch of who I am.” Be patient and with yourself. Trust the process. What’s most important is how YOU perceive you.

I hope some of these were of help to you all! Now that I’m situated into rehearsals for “Chicago” at Theatre Latte Da! I’ll returning with my woman of the month blog posts as well as some fun new additions! Stay tuned!!


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Hi everyone! I created this website to help uplift, challenge, and expand the lives of artists/creative beings.


It is my hope that through each post you read that something ignites within you to explore something within yourself or learn something new about those around you.


It is through one person deciding to shine their light that others will begin to look within themselves and discover their own and create a happier environment that they seek.


Discovery and enlightenment can happen in a split second, and I hope this website can become a community where we all can respectfully question, discover, shine, and evolve within. Thank you for your light and for your support.

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