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Woman of the Month: Chloe Sirbu

Jessica Staples

Hello lovely people! As March comes to a close, I have never been more thankful for sunlight and the sound of birds chirping. Before we welcome April flowers and rain showers, we must first welcome our "Woman of the Month" highlight for the month of March and her name is.....Chloe Sirbu! She's not going to be too happy that I said this, but she is easily of the greatest people I have ever met. She inspires me to constantly work hard at what I do and love it. Aside from being one of my best friends, she is quite literally one of the most gifted people I have ever known. Though Chloe's only 20 years old, she has managed to be what I call a "quadruple threat". Ugh, so many different talents, y'all. While she is currently finishing up her Sophomore of college at Minnesota State University, Mankato (Go Mav's), with a B.F.A in Acting, she is also a stunning singer/ songwriter. Chloe has a level of empathy and connection to the heart that most of us artists have to fight to have and that's what I believe makes her work so beautiful. I'm not at all ashamed to say that I'm keeping her around as a friend so that when she becomes the star she's destined to be, I can tell random people that I know her. So, with that, I give you our "Woman of the Month", Chloe Sirbu! Woohoooo!

Q: You’re currently in your sophomore year of college, what have you found is important in regards to young female artists supporting one another? Why do YOU think it’s important for women to support other women?

A: There’s a lot of negativity in this world. I don’t think women should be hating on each other when we already are pushing for more opportunities. I think people should just support people. Being kind to others in order to help them grow will help you grow as well. Especially with being an artist. This is such a cut throat and competitive industry already. We should be giving each other a hand, and when someone books the job and you didn’t you be proud because an artist made it. Some people believe art isnt even important so when somebody gets the job, and they get to create art for the world, that should be celebrated. Yeah, you might be bummed because you wanted it, but theres always gonna be another audition. I think this speaks for supporting women as well, and how hard it is for us in this industry. Plus, women are just cool. We literally can grow a baby inside of us.

Q: Along with being an actress, you’re also an AMAZING singer/songwriter. What is the mostdifficult part about songwriting? And what is the most rewarding part?

A: I have been creating music ever since I could speak. Songwriting has always been something that was just a part of me. Whenever I was going through something, a rough patch, something amazing, I would write and sing about it. I never imagined myself doing anything else as a hobby besides songwriting. However, sometimes I feel like I have too much stuff in my head that needs to come out, but sometimes I don’t get the opportunity to do so. Whether it’s because im busy, stressed, or have been away from my guitar. Sometimes, you just don’t have the time or the energy. Sometimes, you don’t even have the inspiration to write a song, but I always try to find the time. I think the most rewarding part of writing a song is when you know it’s really good, but it doesn’t have to be good for anyone else because you don’t have to share it if you don’t want to. It’s like your own little secret. Whenever I write a really good song I always think it’s going to be my favorite, and I end up playing it over and over for like a week straight. Then I realize that I’m probably going to write another one, and that one will end up being my favorite too.

Q: You have such an eclectic music taste! And on top of that, all of the songs you have written areso intrinsically different from one another. What is your songwriting process like?

A: I don’t have a structured way of writing. I don’t think you have to order something like the ABC’s. Sometimes it just starts with a basic chord progression that I like or a melody that I just thought of on the spot that has the potential to go somewhere. Other times I will be walking down the street and see an incident or an interaction or event that sparks something. I recently was just walking to class, and it was raining. I somehow ended up in a crowd that only had black umbrellas, and one person with a clear umbrella. It was foggy out so it looked really beautiful, and the atmosphere felt heavy and somewhat aloof. So I went home and wrote a song about it. I think the “process” is usually just processing my own creative thoughts or memories and putting them on the paper in whatever way im feeling that day.

Q: What fascinates you most about acting?

A: Like a lot of kids, I was one that didn’t quite fit in during school. I was a really outgoing and inspired child, but people began to make fun of that. Mostly due to the fact that everyone was in sports, and I was singing songs in the school bathroom. I actually didn’t start acting until my Freshman year of highschool. I went to Saint Paul Conservatory for Performing Artists in Saint Paul (SPCPA), and was supposed to be in the vocal track, but something told me to just give musical theatre a shot. I have grown up in a family that is very musically inclined, and loves theatre and the arts. So I thought, maybe I wont be too bad. During my freshman year I realized that acting was also something I am suppose to do. What fascinates me about acting is that I could step into another persons life, in front of an audience, and not be judged for who I am, but for the characters story. Im definetly very interested in how the human brain and people function. The pschological factors that go into why people do the things they do or think the things they think. I love being able to analyze a character, and try to portray their feelings on stage.

Thank you to Chloe for taking time out of her hectic school schedule to do this interview! And please please follow her on any social media @Chloe Sirbu for music updates. Stay tuned for more posts in the next month!


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