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Women: Finding and defining our voices.

Jessica Staples

Hey there! I hope everyone is having a wonderful last day of February! Woohoo! What a month it has been. I decided to do something a little different this month alongside my monthly “Woman of the Month” post. 3 years ago today, I made a big decision to create a little blog that I felt would be a great outlet for 1) me as a young artist learning how to speak up for myself and 2) me as a young woman learning what it means to support other women. I can’t help but beam with pride thinking of Jessica at age 20 to now, Jessica who is a month and a half shy of turning 23. Wow! I have done a complete 360 in regards to my outlook to life and what it means to truly find and define my voice and I’d love to take the time to share it with you all.

Over the last 3 years, I have often asked the question “Why should women learn to support other women?.” In fact, that question itself is the foundation for my blog. I’ve been fascinated by this question for as long as I can remember. It goes back to the saying “Treat people the way YOU want to be treated.” I often ask many women I interview that same question because I don't think we as women think about it enough in its importance. We are in a time where we are realizing truly, how powerful we are. Our voices are louder than ever. It’s taken me a very long time to discover that I actually have a voice, and what’s beyond that, it matters. No, it hasn’t always been easy discovering this. I’ve spent most of my life shrinking myself for others. Whether that be in a friendship, situation or moment, I have done it. Beyond that, I believe that everyone has done it, especially women. We have been conditioned to believe and internalize certain things that I personally believe, has left most women moving about the world as half of a person. We have been conditioned to believe that the girl next to us in the audition room (or whatever field you’re in) that might have something different to offer automatically makes her better than you. I’m not at all ashamed to say that I many times have looked at a girl in the audition room and thought “ SHE’S AFTER MY PART” Bad bad BAD. Why? Because women are too powerful of creatures to turn on each other. That's how we become extinct. I don’t care what field you’re in, there’s room for every woman at the top.

I truly believe that until maybe a year ago, I lived my life as half of a human being. It sounds funny to think about but it’s true. How can I move about the world as a woman and not support women? It’s taken me a long time and I’m still a work in progress when it comes to being secure with who I am what talents I have to offer every show I audition for. And going further, being secure enough within myself to support the girl next to me is probably one of the most important things we as women can do at this very moment. I had the pleasure of auditioning for a show last weekend and being apart of a 3 day callback process. Im in no way exaggerating when I say that this particular callback changed everything. It was the first time in my LIFE that I had seen a room full of talented women, lifting each other up as well as themselves. It was also the first time in my life where I let the women in the room teach me. We as young female artists tend to think selfishly, (rightfully so, we want that damn part.) But did you ever think for a second that the girl next to you who’s dancing her tail off might be able to teach you a little something about how to approach your next dance call? Or that YOU might teach the girl you’re singing with something about her new found- confidence. I’ve learned that every audition is an opportunity for women to learn about themselves AND extend hands. It sounds a little hippy dippy but my goodness is true. Don’t shrink yourself to make someone else comfortable, and don’t make yourself comfortable by shrinking the woman next to you. It is time for us as women in theatre to find and define our voices without pushing the girl next to us out of the picture. Extend hands and lead with love. Women are limitless!


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Hi everyone! I created this website to help uplift, challenge, and expand the lives of artists/creative beings.


It is my hope that through each post you read that something ignites within you to explore something within yourself or learn something new about those around you.


It is through one person deciding to shine their light that others will begin to look within themselves and discover their own and create a happier environment that they seek.


Discovery and enlightenment can happen in a split second, and I hope this website can become a community where we all can respectfully question, discover, shine, and evolve within. Thank you for your light and for your support.

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