Woman of the Month: Lauren Echausse

Hello lovely people! with all of the holiday craziness and Christmas being just days away (WHAT) I am overjoyed to share with you, the "woman of the month" highlight for the month of December, the ray of sunshine, Lauren Echausse. For those of you that have had the pleasure of meeting Lauren, you know how much she values women supporting other women as well as positivity for all. Aside from her kindness, girl can belt for DAYS. She is currently in her senior year at Penn State University for that B.F.A.in Musical Theatre. Not to mention she has just finished playing every musical theatre girl's dream role: Elle Woods. Here we goooooo!
Q: What was it like playing Elle Woods, one of the most iconic Broadway characters of our generation? Thought it’s easy to fall into the trap of playing her as the stereotypical “blonde” what do you love about this character?
A: It was an absolute dream to step into Elle’s (pink) shoes for a few weeks. Elle has been a dream role of mine forever; I actually played the role when I was a freshman in high school, but I wasn’t mentally or physically ready to take on all that the role encompasses. It’s ironic that it ended up being my senior year show at Penn State, because it became a complete full circle for my artistic journey as a student. It was particularly special getting to play the role for a second time because this time around I had a much stronger understanding of the material and the role. Elle represents all of the traits I hope to be- smart, loyal, funny, strong, and unafraid to completely be herself. Like the story says, “being true to yourself never goes out of style”, and Elle fits that mantra to a T. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and is determined to chase after the things she is passionate about. While that “thing” she originally chased after was a man who toyed with her feelings, she found a successful career path, a man who genuinely cares about her, and a voice to stand up against stereotypes and sexual violence. One of my favorite lines in the whole show is in the Legally Blonde remix when Elle has her costume change back into her signature pink and says “Girls it’s a fact, when they attack, you’ve got to respond.” Christine O’Grady, my Director and mentor throughout this process felt adamant about the #metoo movement and having Elle represent a light for women who have struggled or are currently struggling. The show has proven to be very timely for 2018, and definitely had an effect not only on myself but other audience members. While playing into the “dumb blonde” stereotype would be an easy justification for this role and for the show as a whole, I actually went in the opposite direction with my character work. Elle is far from dumb- she is poised, caring, compassionate and well spoken. Just because she’s a California girl with blonde hair doesn’t mean that she fits the mold of what society assumes her to be. That’s actually a common theme throughout the show: breaking stereotypes. Beautiful blondes are allowed to be smart and stand up for themselves, “Stuck Up” brunettes are allowed to have a heart, and being gay is MORE than okay. To circle back to your original question- it felt surreal to step on stage as Elle. I honestly can’t believe I did it. I was terrified. Reese Witherspoon created an ICONIC character, and Laura Bell Bundy brought such justice to the role through song. It was fun to bring my own little twists to the role, as I tried to bring a bit of myself to Elle as well. Stepping on stage for my first dress shop reveal with an audience is one that I will bottle up and keep forever. I felt so special, so beautiful, and so READY to share her story with the audience. I hope to get the chance to play this role again and again. I simply love it.
Q:You’re currently in your senior year at Penn State (Wooohooo!!). What is something that you’ve learned about women supporting women in your four years that you’re looking to take into the real world?
A: Time has been flying by way too fast, let me tell ya. It feels like just yesterday I was a senior in high school craving advice from those older than me to help pave my college audition experience. It’s crazy (and terrifying) to think that now I’m the one giving the advice. I have had such awesome female mentors in my time at Penn State- many helping me find my footing to be strong, patient, hard working and to stand up for myself. I wouldn’t be the person I am without my female role models. They gave me the confidence to start believing in myself and to trust that I am enough. They helped me find my backbone and my voice, and for that I am forever grateful!
Q:Why do YOU think it’s important for women to support other women?
A: To say it plainly, and in the words of sweet Elle, “us girls need to stick together. We shouldn’t try to look good by making each other look bad!” If we don’t support one another, who will? I wouldn’t be the person I am without my girl gang. I am stronger, wiser, smarter and braver because of them.
Thank you to Lauren for these amazing answers that she gave in the midst of completing finals! (ew, school). If you get the chance, please please follow her on social media, Instagram in particular. Her posts are insightful and most of all: Positive. Stay tuned in the next month for more posts that are gonna be pretty dang cool, and Happy (early) New Year!
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