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5 Lessons

Jessica Staples

Hello All! I’m baaaack. I know its been a long time since I’ve written on here, but WOAH! it has been quite the semester. It’s been full of ups and downs, laughter and tears. Did you have a REAL semester at college if you didn’t cry at least once? Nonetheless this semester has been a blessing and here are 5 important things I've gained these past few months. I hope that you're able to take something away from at least one of them, if not all. Stay tuned for more posts coming soon and Happy Holidays!

1) We all get to be who we are: People can be frustrating at times. We don’t always understand their intentions. Personalities can clash, jealousy arises, but in the end, we all get to be who we are. We don’t have to agree with it but we do have to accept it. It’s taken me a long time to get to this place of understanding and I am still evolving, as we all are. I encourage all of us to go beyond the tolerance of others and get to a place of acceptance. As artists, we should be at the forefront to accept as well as educate. Find the humanity.

2) Preparedness: Through every homework assignment, test, audition, etc. I have learned that preparation should be the foundation. The more effort you put into the work that you are doing at the moment, the bigger the reward once it’s finished. Go into everything you do ready to hit the ground running. You never know what life has to offer!

3) Comparison is an invitation for a creative stifle: This has been the hardest one for me to grasp. It’s no secret that we as performers are in a world that can lead to insecurity and self-doubt. However, I realized that whenever I found myself comparing myself to a fellow performer of peer, I would feel stuck. That I was digging myself in a hole and closing myself off from my own gifts and talents. Some days it’s easier for us to pull ourselves out of that hole of comparison. Then there are those days where there is some part of us that wants to just take everything we own and make a home in that black hole. GET OUT OF ITTTTT. When you compare, for whatever reason, you are subconsciously locking the door of creativity, and hiding the key. Don’t compare, connect as well as congratulate.

4) Never get too comfortable: When things are going in the right direction, we want to relax, pause and take it all in. Of course it’s okay to do that, but don't get comfortable to the point where you feel like there’s no room for improvement or that your work is complete. I’ve now gotten to a point in my very short 20 years of living where I’m always doing something to keep me on my toes. The creative flow should NEVER stop, neither should our hunger for what's next.

5) Lead with love: As 2016 comes to a close, keep in mind that love rules out all. Cancel out all of the fear, anger, hurt and re-program with love. Let people know that they are, accepted and valued. When was the last time you deliberately went out of your way to do that? I myself haven’t done it nearly as much as I could. This is a time where we need love more than ever. Interestingly enough, all it takes is one small act of kindness. It’s time that we all work to use our voices to fill the room with positivity and light. And lastly, keep creating and stay inspired!


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Hi everyone! I created this website to help uplift, challenge, and expand the lives of artists/creative beings.


It is my hope that through each post you read that something ignites within you to explore something within yourself or learn something new about those around you.


It is through one person deciding to shine their light that others will begin to look within themselves and discover their own and create a happier environment that they seek.


Discovery and enlightenment can happen in a split second, and I hope this website can become a community where we all can respectfully question, discover, shine, and evolve within. Thank you for your light and for your support.

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